Gunman, 12 others dead in attack at D.C. Navy yard

Police supervised an evacuation at the Navy Yard.

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

The rampage at a military facility with armed guards at every gate left investigators seeking clues about what spurred the attack.

The suspected shooter, Aaron Alexis, 34, was armed with an assault rifle and a handgun, police said.

Alleged Navy yard gunman had law troubles

The suspected shooter, Aaron Alexis, 34, reportedly had had run-ins with police over firearms as far back as 2004.

Liberal Democrats putting pressure on Obama

Lawrence Summers’ decision to bow out of contention for the Fed chairmanship illustrated the left’s rising influence on the White House.

MEDFORD, 8 A.M.: Greeting resident Isabel Shea at Dempsey’s Breakfast and Lunch.


Martha Coakley wades in governor’s race, hand first

Barnstorming from Medford to Hyannis on Monday, Coakley embarked on what could be called the Great Handshake Tour of 2013.

// Mayoral rivals offer formulas for transit, parking

In a Globe survey answered by eight of the 12 mayoral hopefuls, many of the candidates’ visions for Boston’s transportation future aligned.


// John Barros, John Connolly should emerge from field

Out of a strong mayoral field, Barros and Connolly both have the broad perspective needed to make Boston’s common agenda their own, the Globe’s editorial board writes.

Much riding on ruling on Partners expansion

Federal investigators are nearing a decision on whether to allow the massive Partners HealthCare System to take over South Shore Hospital in Weymouth.



// Liars and cheats

Because students and job seekers are focused on success, they will always be tempted to cheat on an exam or pad their resume.

Boston mayoral race

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Vincent Lisi is the newly appointed chief of the FBI office in Boston.

Terrorism tops the list for FBI’s new leader in Boston

Vincent Lisi said the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing is ongoing, even as the local FBI office works on other matters as well.