Tom Brady pushed crypto to his fans. This lawyer wants him to pay up.
"As a New England Patriots fan my entire life, you can imagine the influence that Tom Brady would have," said the man who had moved nearly all his money from another crypto exchange to the now-bankrupt FTX.
Bold Types | With SparkCharge, Josh Aviv is providing electric vehicle charging on-demand
With SparkCharge, Josh Aviv is providing on-demand electric vehicle charging
Mobile charging helps fill in the gaps that exist in the current charging landscape, and will also be an important part of the infrastructure long-term, says the founder and chief executive of the Somerville-based company.
On 10th anniversary of Sandy Hook, President Biden cites ‘societal guilt’ on guns
President Biden was using the anniversary to renew his call for a ban on assault-style weapons like the one used in the Sandy Hook shooting, as well as high-capacity magazines.
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