A breakdown of circulating theories about Gaetz’s nomination and withdrawal — and why they’re ultimately unsatisfying
We can analyze all the theories for why Gaetz was picked or just understand he was just unusually flawed from the beginning.
Drought crisis in Massachusetts reaches worst level yet. Today’s rain will help but won’t end it.
Nearly a third of the state is now experiencing the most urgent drought conditions.
Former owner of trucking company linked to N.H. crash that killed seven gets 2-month prison term
Dunyadar Gasanov, former vice president of Westfield Transport, had pleaded guilty in August to three counts of making false statements to federal investigators, prosecutors said.
Generous financial aid programs under threat as more colleges eliminate loans
Schools that have adopted so-called no-loan programs in recent years say they aim to send a clear message: If you have the academic chops to gain admission, you can afford to attend.
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